Optimizing Blender Operator Performance With Low-Level Api

The Problem with Slow Operators

Blender operators are essential tools that allow users to interact with and manipulate data in the application. However, some operators can perform slowly due to extensive computations or poorly optimized code. This leads to sluggish workflow and user frustration. Understanding performance limitations and optimization techniques is key to creating fast, responsive operators.

Common causes of slow operators include:

  • Excessive processing in Python instead of lower-level languages
  • Inefficient access of Blender data like mesh vertices or texture pixels
  • Overuse of slower Python constructs like for-loops
  • Lack of multi-threading and parallelization
  • Unoptimized OpenGL draw code and calls

Profiling operator execution is essential to identify optimization targets. Strategies like reducing Python overhead, multi-threading, and moving to lower C/C++ APIs can dramatically accelerate operators.

Understanding Blender’s Operator System

Blender implements operators in Python scripts that connect to lower-level C/C++ code. The Python API allows rapid development while C/C++ integrations enable better performance.

Registration connects Python operators to Blender’s interface and event system. The `bpy.types.Operator` subclass defines parameters for that integration. Execution occurs when events like mouse clicks activate the operator’s `execute()` method.

Operators can access Blender’s core data structures like meshes, textures, and scene graphs to read and write data. However, direct access can bottleneck performance. Optimized operators leverage lower-level C/C++ APIs.

Profiling Operator Performance

Blender provides the `bpy.app.debug` module to profile operators execution. Wrapping sections of operator code in its timer functions outputs elapsed time in milliseconds.

For example:

import bpy
import bmesh

import bgl
import blf

def execute(self, context):
t = bpy.app.debug.timer()

# Operator code

print(f’Operator took {t.duration() * 1000:.2f} ms’)
return {‘FINISHED’}
This instruments the operator to measure overall execution time. The output guides optimization efforts towards slower sections.

bpy.app.debug also offers timers for line-by-line profiling. The cProfile module contains additional utilities for drill-down performance analysis.

Reducing Python Overhead

Python operators often perform excessive iterations and data structure manipulations that bottleneck runtime speed. Reducing unnecessary Python overhead is key to faster operator execution.

Strategies include:

  • Access Blender datatypes directly instead of operating on temporary copies
  • Leverage data access APIs instead of slow Python loops
  • Use Python builtins like sets/dicts for faster lookup than lists
  • Avoid unnecessary copies of data with Blender API calls

For example, iterating on all mesh vertices using Python iteration can be 100x slower than using specialized bpy vector access:

# Slow
for v in mesh.vertices:
v.co = …

# Fast
coords = mesh.vertices.foreach_get(“co”)
for i in range(len(mesh.vertices)):
co = coords[i]
# modify & write back

Accessing datablocks directly via bpy.data avoids slow searches:

# Slow
for material in bpy.context.object.material_slots:
material = material.material
# read pixels

# Fast
for material in bpy.data.materials:
# Access directly

Such changes narrowly target bottlenecks while retaining Python flexibility.

Multi-Threading Operators

Multi-threading parallelizes operators across CPU cores by splitting work among threads. This accelerates computations and tasks like geometry calculations.

Blender provides two frameworks for multi-threading operators:

  • Background Job Queue – Add jobs with special API calls
  • Native Python Threads – Launch threads with Python libraries

The job queue moves work to background processes better suited for float-based computations. Python threads allow splitting UI, data processing, and messaging into parallel pipelines.

For example, the Fur Sim operator uses jobs:

def execute(self, context):
depsgraph = context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
fur_objs = get_fur_objects(depsgraph)

threads = []
for fur_obj in fur_objs:
thread = ThreadPool.queue_job(
# callback when finished

return {“FINISHED”}
This runs each fur object simulation asynchronously while keeping the UI responsive.

Python threads facilitate a message passing architecture:

import queue
from threading import Thread

# …

msg_queue = queue.Queue()

def messaging_thread():
while True:
msg = msg_queue.get()
# handle

thread = Thread(target=messaging_thread)

# Elsewhere in operator, pass messages

Such approaches leverage CPU cores for smoother, faster operators.

Optimizing Draw Code

Operators that dynamically draw interface elements like overlays/previews can optimize graphics performance through:

  • Batching draw calls into singular OpenGL commands
  • Using display lists to cache draw output
  • Strategically updating small regions instead of full viewport

For example, an operator that draws many line loops over a mesh could batch thusly:


for edge in mesh.edges:



This reduces OpenGL state changes by drawing all lines under one function call.

Display lists further cache these outputs on the GPU:

display_list = bgl.glGenLists(1)
bgl.glNewList(display_list, bgl.GL_COMPILE)

# Draw code


# Draw display list every frame instead of rebuild

Strategic draw code optimization targets slow areas while retaining flexibility.

Low-Level C/C++ Operators

For ultimate optimization, Blender enables replacing Python operators with C/C++ implementations. The Python API registers and interfaces custom C code just like native operators.

This involves:

  • Creating a CPython module with PyInit initialization
  • Defining a PyTypeObject that mimics an operator
  • Building CPython API data structures to interface values
  • Hooking into Blender Python execution with macros

The C code can then access internal Blender data structures directly for unimpeded speed.

For example, interfacing a C routine for mesh calculations:

// Function to process mesh
static void compute(Mesh *mesh)
// Direct access to iterate vertices
for (int i = 0; i < mesh->totvert; i++) {
MVert *mvert = &mesh->mvert[i];
// modify coords

// Register as CPython operator
static struct PyMethodDef mesh_compute_def = {
“compute”, (PyCFunction)compute_op,
“Directly compute mesh data”

static PyObject *compute_op(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kw)
Mesh *mesh;

// Parse python input mesh
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, “O!”, &MeshType, &mesh))
return NULL;



Python interoperation enables utility while low-level C maximizes speed.

Conclusion – Best Practices

Optimizing the performance of Blender operators involves strategic usage of lower-level APIs. Profiling guides optimization efforts towards identified bottleneck areas.

Key optimization techniques include:

  • Reducing Python iteration and overhead
  • Multi-threading with job queues and threads
  • Batching, display lists, and targeted draw updates
  • Low-level C/C++ implementations

Apply these focused optimizations to accelerate operators. Properly optimized code allows Blender to leverage available computing resources for flexible, highly interactive workflows. Careful profiling combined with strategic low-level API usage helps create fast operators that facilitate efficiency.

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