

Closing And Opening View Panels In Blender

Hiding Panels to Save Screen Space Blender’s interface is highly customizable, with multiple reorderable panels available for modifying objects, sculptures, materials, textures and more. However, having all panels open at once can limit the 3D Viewport space. Luckily, Blender allows users to easily hide specific panels in order to maximize the 3D Viewport area. There…

Fixing Missing Model Parts From Viewport Clipping In Blender

View Frustum Culling in Blender In 3D graphics applications like Blender, view frustum culling is used to optimize scene rendering by only drawing objects visible within the camera’s field of view. The view frustum is the 3D volume representing everything potentially visible from the current camera perspective. Anything outside this volume is clipped (removed) to…

Understanding Camera Clipping Ranges In Blender

What is Camera Clipping? Camera clipping planes define the boundaries of the renderable area in a 3D scene. The near plane clips out any objects in front of it, while the far plane clips objects beyond its distance. This allows the renderer to exclude unseen geometry, optimize performance and reduce visual artifacts. The near clipping…

Avoiding Clipped Models When Zooming In Blender

What Causes Clipping in Blender When working with 3D scenes in Blender, users may encounter clipping issues where parts of models get cut off or disappear from view. This clipping occurs when models extend beyond the camera’s clipping planes – an invisible boundary defining how close and far objects can be visible. Understanding what causes…

Optimizing 3D Viewport Clipping Distances In Blender

Understanding Clipping Planes in 3D Viewports 3D viewports in Blender utilize clipping planes to determine the boundaries of the visible geometry. The clipping planes include a near clipping plane and a far clipping plane which form an invisible box around the viewport. Geometry outside these clipping planes is not rendered in the viewport. The near…

Double Dash (–) For Passing Arguments From Blender To Python

Invoking Python from Blender Blender provides integrated Python scripting for advanced users to automate workflows and customize tools. The “–” operator is used to pass data from Blender directly into a Python script executed from the Blender interface. To invoke a Python script, navigate to the Text Editor and create a new text block. Write…

Environment Variables As Arguments For Blender Python Scripts

Passing Environment Variables to Blender from the Command Line Environment variables are dynamic, named values that can affect the way running processes will behave on a computer. They are part of the environment in which a process runs. When launching Blender from the command line, environment variables can be passed as arguments to configure Blender…

Argparse For Handling Command Line Arguments In Blender Python

What are Command Line Arguments? Command line arguments are values passed to a program when it is invoked from the command line interface (CLI). They allow users to customize and parameterize the behavior of a program. In Python and Blender, the sys.argv list contains the command line arguments passed to a script. For example, when…

Using Sys.Argv To Read Command Line Arguments In Blender Python

What are Command Line Arguments and sys.argv in Python? Command line arguments are values passed to a program when it is invoked from the command line interface. They allow the user to customize the behavior of the program on runtime. In Python, the sys module provides access to command line arguments through the sys.argv list….

Passing Command Line Arguments To Blender Python Scripts

What are Command Line Arguments? Command line arguments, often shortened to command line args or CLI args, are additional inputs that can be passed to a Python script when it is executed from the command line interface. They allow customizable data to be fed into the script each time it is run, without needing to…