How Graphics Card Limitations Can Contribute To Z-Fighting Issues In Blender

What is Z-Fighting?

Z-fighting refers to a visual artifact that occurs in 3D rendered images when two or more surfaces are positioned extremely close to each other. It is caused by the finite numerical precision of floating point values used to represent geometric positions in computer graphics. When surfaces are nearly coplanar, their depth values are so close that the graphics processor is unable to determine accurately which one is meant to be in front of the other from the standpoint of the camera.

This can result in rapid flickering between the polygons, with each one alternately appearing in front of the other. The resulting visual effect has a chaotic “fighting” pattern reminiscent of TV static, hence the term “z-fighting.” While not inherently a bug, z-fighting indicates issues with scene construction that need to be addressed for proper rendering.

A visual example of z-fighting artifacts in a rendered image

Common Causes of Z-Fighting in Blender

There are several general causes that can result in z-fighting occurring in Blender projects and rendered output:

Precision Issues with Floating Point Values

As mentioned previously, z-fighting stems from the finite precision of floating point number representation on computers. Values very close together cannot always be distinguished reliably. The standard IEEE 32-bit floats used in Blender have approximately 7 decimal digits of precision. When vertex positions differ less than this amount, unpredictable visual artifacts like z-fighting can occur.

Overlapping Geometry at the Same Depth

If two or more faces or surfaces intersect each other or overlap in 3D space at very nearly the same distance from the camera, the precision limitations can lead to z-fighting. This often happens accidentally with complex models. Manifold meshes help avoid such intersecting geometry issues.

Insufficient Z-Buffer Precision and Resolution

The graphics card’s z-buffer is used to determine the depth order of rendered geometry for the final image pixel colors. Limited precision and resolution in this buffer can fail to disambiguate nearly identical geometry depth values, forcing the rendered pixels to rapidly alternate between layers.

Graphics Card Factors Affecting Z-Buffer Accuracy

Beyond general scene construction and floating point considerations, the graphics card hardware and drivers used for rendering can impact the precision of depth buffer calculations and thus the potential for z-fighting visual defects.

Limited Bits Per Channel for Depth

The number of bits used to store each depth value in the z-buffer places a hard limit on precision, with more bits allowing for finer resolution of scene geometry position along the camera’s view direction axis. Older GPUs often used 16 bits or less per depth sample, restricting depth complexity in renders.

Low Z-Buffer Resolution Settings

The pixel width/height resolution of the z-buffer affects precision, with higher resolutions able to distinguish small depth differences between geometric samples that would alias at low resolutions. Most game engines restrict buffer resolution to keep GPU impact low.

Older GPU Architectures

Modern graphics cards with upgraded architecture and memory can potentially calculate depth buffers with substantially higher precision than older generations, reducing z-fighting through hardware improvements alone. But old workstation and gaming reliant GPUs still abound.

Diagnosing Z-Fighting Caused by Graphics Limitations

To determine conclusively that your scene’s z-fighting in Blender stems from graphics constraints rather than modeling or camera issues, useful diagnostics include:

Rendering Tests to Isolate Issue

Methodically simplifying scene geometry while observing renders can help identify the precise polygons causing trouble. If z-fighting persists even in barebones tests focused just on the problem surfaces, graphics limitations are likely at fault.

Examining GPU Capabilities and Settings

Inspecting graphics card specs, checking Blender display device visualizations, and investigating configured render engine parameters exposes relevant performance constraints, limitations, and z-buffer config details helping diagnose constraints.

Checking Depth Buffer Visualization

Enabling depth buffer visualization modes in Blender reveals situations where inadequate sampling resolution, fluctuations in values, and other data issues may force falling back to less accurate interpolated depth between geometry samples.

A depth buffer visualization highlights potential problem areas

Mitigating Z-Fighting Without Upgrading Hardware

Before resorting to expensive graphics card upgrades, applying the following measures can reduce z-fighting:

Adjusting Camera and Object Positions Strategically

Altering view angles or layouts even slightly so there is less coplanar geometry can help, as can rotating models minimally to distinguish nearly overlapping surfaces relative to the camera by even microscopic yet detectable depth differences.

Increasing Z-Buffer Margins Slightly

Expanding the overall width of depth ranges used by configuring extended near and far plane distance cutoffs prevents closely packed thin surface depth differences from being discarded by an overly narrow allocation of finite buffer precision.

Reducing Scene Depth Complexity and Range

Limiting the span and intricacy of visible geometry depth variation may curb z-fighting. This requires balancing tradeoffs, but trickery like using proxy stand-in models for distant background objects can help concentrate buffer resolution budget on foreground elements most needing accuracy.

Upgrading Graphics Card and Z-Buffer Settings

When other measures are impractical or graphics capability shortcomings become the overriding bottleneck, hardware and configuration upgrades can boost precision and effective z-buffer resolution to mitigate z-fighting problems for intricate scenes.

Cards with Higher Precision and Resolutions

Investing in modern GPU makes a tremendous difference thanks to architectural gains enhancing floating point calculations and memory bandwidth for massively parallel z-buffer processing power. Even mid-range cards tend to now support high definition depth rendering.

Adjusting Clip Start and End Distances

Tuning the near and far plane cutoffs to tightly fit just the extents of scene geometry removes wasted precision allocated to unused depth ranges. Tweaking these values narrowly around visible assets maximizes fidelity for elements most prone to z-fighting artifacts.

Using 32-Bit Float Depth Buffers

High-end GPUs increasingly boast upgraded flexibility and formats for representing depth, such as 32-bit floating point storage offering exponentially finer gradations and dynamic range adaption compared to old 16-bit fixed formats. Such capabilities greatly reduce z-precision inadequate scenarios.

Additional Z-Fighting Prevention Strategies

Aside from depth buffer and hardware considerations, supplementary techniques can also help avoid problematic geometric configurations and shading situations that exacerbate z-fighting visual defects.

Optimization of Models’ Geometry

Eliminating unnecessary polygons, decimating detail below perceivable thresholds, correcting mesh non-manifold edges, and similar model quality and performance tuning measures also make scenes less prone to precision-induced z-fighting by reducing depth complexity and ambiguity.

Use of Micro-Displacements Over Bump Maps

Procedural displacement adds real geometric detail for surfaces instead of faking shapes through normal map perturbations. This helps avoids similar flickering and light errors since actual vertex positions change, not just illusory offsets.

Higher Subdivision Levels on Curved Surfaces

Adding more geometry detail subdivision on smooth curves better approximates the intended shape at a micron-level compared to coarse tessellation. This enhances apparent visual accuracy and reduces depth variances that contribute to interpolated z-fighting.


Z-fighting remains a tricky issue in CG requiring multifaceted solutions. Upgrading graphics card hardware and buffer configurations certainly helps greatly, as do common measures like strategic scene layouts. But fundamentally, understanding the root causes stemming from finite numerical precision helps artists know when perceived problems reach inevitable limitations or can be further mitigated through applying best practices for robust rendering.

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