Transitioning To New Background Image System In Blender 2.8

Blender 2.8 introduces a new background image system that changes the way users can add, adjust, and save background images in their scenes. This transition brings more control, better organization, and easier discoverability to working with reference images. However, it also means relearning some workflows that veteran Blender users may be familiar with from older versions.

This guide will walk through the key differences in working with background images in Blender 2.8 compared to older versions. We will cover locating the new settings, adding new images, configuring how they display, saving your changes, and troubleshooting common issues.

Locating the Background Image Settings

In previous versions of Blender, the settings for adding and adjusting background images were located in various areas of the interface. Often users would need to toggle between multiple editor types to manage their reference images.

In Blender 2.8, these settings have been consolidated and streamlined in the Scene properties. Here you can add new images, make adjustments, and save defaults all in one panel.

To access the Background Image settings:

  1. Open the Scene properties editor by clicking the Scene properties icon in the editor header, or through the main menu at Scene > Scene Properties
  2. In the Scene properties, open the Background Images panel

This unified panel is now the central hub for adding, configuring, and managing all background images in your Blender scenes.

Loading a New Background Image

Adding a new reference image in Blender 2.8 follows a similar workflow to previous versions, with images being loaded direct from your local files. However the new background image system allows for multiple simultaneous images with more granular control.

To load a background image:

  1. Open the Background Images panel as outlined above
  2. Click Add Image
  3. Browse your local files and select an image to load
  4. The image will now appear in your 3D viewport

Some things to note about adding background images now:

  • You can add multiple images at once, rather than being limited to a single reference
  • Each image gets its own settings and properties for more control
  • There are more options for manipulating how the images appear in your scene

Example code for loading a background image

You can also load a background image via Python scripting, allowing for more automation in your workflows.

Here is some sample code for adding an image:

import bpy

# Path to image file    
image_path = "/images/reference01.jpg" 

# Load image datablock
img =

# Set as background image    
bg_imgs = bpy.context.scene.background_images

This script loads the image from the given file path, then adds it as a background image to the currently active scene. The key thing that differs from older API methods is appending the image to the scene’s background_images collection rather than setting it as the single active background.

Adjusting Image Settings

With Blender 2.8 allowing multiple background images at once, there is more control over adjusting each image’s properties individually. Common settings like orientation, opacity, offset, and tiling can now be configured per image.

Changing opacity

To change the opacity of a background image:

  1. In the Background Images panel, select the image to adjust
  2. Lower the Opacity value to make the image more transparent

The opacity can be key for finding a balance between clearly seeing your reference and maintaining visibility of objects in your scene.

Tiling vs single image

By default, background images display as a single instance with no tiling. You can change this behavior to tile the image across the camera view:

  1. Select the target background image
  2. Check the box for Tiling to repeat the image

Tiling can help replicate patterns or textures for modeling reference. Disable tiling again to revert back to a single image.

Image rotation

Each background image has its own rotation property, allowing you to adjust the orientation as needed without affecting other elements in your scene:

  1. Select the background image to rotate
  2. Enter a value in degrees to rotate around the Z axis

Subtle rotation adjustments may be necessary to align reference images to your scene. Larger values can also create interesting abstract effects.

Saving Updated Settings

With background images consolidated into a dedicated panel, saving your settings for future scenes is more intuitive.

To save your image and settings:

  1. Adjust your images and configurations as outlined in previous sections
  2. At the bottom of the Background Images panel, click the + button to add a new preset
  3. Give the preset a descriptive name

Now your background image setup can be reused easily. Simply select your saved preset anytime you start new projects and all images and properties will load in one step.

Images saved directly within scenes or presets may not be portable between all Blender installations. For redistributable assets, save images externally and link to file paths instead.

Troubleshooting Issues

While the updated workflow aims to make using background images more straightforward, you may encounter occasional issues. Here are some common problems and potential solutions.

Image does not appear

If your reference image refuses to show up:

  • Double check the file path is valid and pointing to the correct image file
  • Ensure background opacity is set high enough for the image to be visible
  • Toggle on Tiling to see if it forces the image to display

Images with unsupported file extensions may fail to load as well. Stick to common formats like JPG, PNG, and TIFF.

Image appears distorted

If a background image appears skewed or stretched unexpectedly:

  • The image resolution may not match your scene camera – try adjusting the camera focal length
  • Reset the rotation back to 0 degrees if skewed
  • Ensure Tiling is disabled

Getting the right camera settings dialed in can take some trial and error when matching real images to your virtual scene.

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